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Dental Health Care, How to Prevent Dental Acid Damage.

Saturday, Oct. 5th 2013 8:27 AM

Acid damage or acid erosion is the damage that occurs to teeth as a result of acid being on them.  In order to prevent acid erosion it is important to understand where acid comes from. Acid can come from either of two sources.

1)  Stomach: Your stomach contains acid in order to brake down and help digest your food.  However people who have acid reflux can bring up these acids and have them come in contact with their teeth.  People with acid reflux knows that certain foods or drinks and cause you to have reflux more then others. Therefore trying to avoid foods and drinks that causes you to have acid reflux would be a good idea. If you find that you have chronic acid reflux it is important to speak to your doctor to see what can be done. Acid reflux can cause damage to your health as well as your teeth.

2) Food and Drinks: The second way to get acid on your teeth is by what you eat or drink. Drinks such as frizzy soda, fruit juices and energy drinks can be very corrosive to your teeth.  Even food such as apples, oranges, tomatoes etc can also cause dental erosion and should be limited.  This is not to say you can not have these types of food but try limiting the amount. If you do want a soda drink it do not sip it for hours causing long contact with your teeth.

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